AG Fort Sea6 Energy

Rs. 799 /-    Rs. 850

AG Fort Sea6 Energy AG Fort Sea6 Energy Viral Attacks

Brand : Sea6 Energy

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Selling Price Rs. 799
Total Price Rs. 799



AG Fort Sea6 Energy
AG Fort Sea6 Energy Viral Attacks
Plant health booster, builds resistance against viral infection. AG Fort is a sustainable and eco-friendly product that boosts plant immunity and resistance to viral attacks.
AG Fort activating immunity pathways in plants, specifically Jasmonic acid and salicylic acid pathways, it boosts the natural defense mechanism of plants helping them successfully ward off disease pressure.
1. Reduced leaf curling.
2. Boosts immunity against viruses.
3. Better flowering and fruit setting.
Dosage: 1.5 ml lit of Water
Pack Size: 25ml, 150ml, 500ml, 1lit

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